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文心一格 是一款基于人工智能技术的AI艺术创作平台,由百度开发。它可以帮助您轻松创作各种风格的艺术作品,包括绘画、摄影、雕塑等。


  • AI作画: 只需输入文字描述,即可自动生成相应的画作。
  • AI摄影: 支持多种摄影风格,一键即可生成专业级照片。
  • AI雕塑: 轻松创作3D雕塑作品,无需任何专业技能。
  • 多风格创作: 支持多种艺术风格创作,满足您的不同需求。


  • 简单易用: 操作简单易懂,即使是没有任何经验的人也能轻松使用。
  • 快速高效: 强大的AI技术,可快速生成高质量的艺术作品。
  • 多种风格: 支持多种艺术风格创作,满足您的不同需求。
  • 免费使用: 基础功能免费使用,您可以根据需要付费解锁更多高级功能。


  • 艺术创作: 可以用于创作各种类型的艺术作品,例如绘画、摄影、雕塑等。
  • 商业设计: 可以用于商业设计,例如海报、广告、宣传册等。
  • 娱乐休闲: 可以用于娱乐休闲,例如玩游戏、看视频等。
  • 教育教学: 可以用于教育教学,例如制作课件、辅助教学等。

Unleash AI Artistic Creativity: Wenxin Yige AI Art Creation Platform

Wenxin Yige is an AI art creation platform powered by artificial intelligence, developed by Baidu. It can help you easily create various styles of artworks, including paintings, photography, sculptures, and more.

Core Features:

  • AI Painting: Simply input a text description and automatically generate a corresponding painting.
  • AI Photography: Supports multiple photography styles, generating professional-level photos with one click.
  • AI Sculpture: Easily create 3D sculptures without any professional skills.
  • Multi-Style Creation: Supports creation in various artistic styles to meet your diverse needs.

Advantages of Wenxin Yige:

  • Simple and Easy to Use: Simple and easy-to-understand operation, even those with no experience can easily use it.
  • Fast and Efficient: Powerful AI technology to quickly generate high-quality artworks.
  • Diverse Styles: Supports creation in various artistic styles to meet your diverse needs.
  • Free to Use: Basic functions are free to use, you can pay to unlock more advanced features according to your needs.

Application Scenarios:

  • Artistic Creation: Can be used to create various types of artworks, such as paintings, photography, sculptures, and more.
  • Commercial Design: Can be used for commercial design, such as posters, advertisements, brochures, and more.
  • Entertainment and Leisure: Can be used for entertainment and leisure, such as playing games, watching videos, and more.
  • Education and Teaching: Can be used for education and teaching, such as creating teaching materials, assisting teaching, and more.
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