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美图云修 是一款基于云端的人工智能修图平台,为摄影师和影楼提供高效便捷的修图服务。


  • AI 智能修图: 利用人工智能技术自动识别照片中的瑕疵,并提供多种智能修图方案,一键即可完成专业修图。
  • 海量素材和预设: 提供海量优质的修图素材和预设,包括人像、风景、产品等多种风格,满足您的不同修图需求。
  • 协作修图: 支持多人协作修图,团队成员可以随时随地查看和修改照片,提高修图效率。
  • 云端存储: 照片安全存储在云端,方便随时随地访问和管理。

美图云修 的优势:

  • 高效便捷: AI 智能修图和海量素材预设,让您轻松完成专业修图。
  • 协作共赢: 支持多人协作修图,提高团队修图效率。
  • 安全可靠: 云端存储,照片安全无忧。
  • 功能丰富: 提供多种修图工具和功能,满足您的各种修图需求。

美图云修 的应用场景:

  • 影楼修图: 帮助影楼快速高效地完成大量照片的修饰,提高工作效率。
  • 个人修图: 摄影爱好者可以轻松地为自己的照片添加专业效果。
  • 电商修图: 产品图片的修饰,提升产品质感和吸引力。
  • 媒体修图: 为新闻、杂志等媒体提供高效的修图服务。

Meitu Yunxiu: Efficient and Intelligent Cloud-based Image Editing Platform

Meitu Yunxiu is a cloud-based AI image editing platform that provides photographers and studios with efficient and convenient image editing services.

Core Features:

  • AI Intelligent Editing: Utilizes AI technology to automatically identify flaws in photos and provides various intelligent editing solutions, allowing you to achieve professional editing with one click.
  • Massive Materials and Presets: Provides a massive library of high-quality editing materials and presets, including various styles such as portrait, landscape, and product, to meet your diverse editing needs.
  • Collaborative Editing: Supports collaborative editing, allowing team members to view and modify photos anytime, anywhere, to improve editing efficiency.
  • Cloud Storage: Photos are securely stored in the cloud for easy access and management anytime, anywhere.

Advantages of Meitu Yunxiu:

  • Efficient and Convenient: AI intelligent editing and massive material presets allow you to easily achieve professional editing.
  • Collaboration and Win-win: Supports collaborative editing to improve team editing efficiency.
  • Safe and Reliable: Cloud storage ensures the security of your photos.
  • Rich Features: Provides a variety of editing tools and functions to meet your various editing needs.

Application Scenarios of Meitu Yunxiu:

  • Studio Editing: Helps studios quickly and efficiently retouch large volumes of photos, improving work efficiency.
  • Personal Editing: Photography enthusiasts can easily add professional effects to their photos.
  • E-commerce Editing: Editing product images to enhance product质感 and attractiveness.
  • Media Editing: Provides efficient editing services for news, magazines, and other media.
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