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飞书妙记 - 基于人工智能的智能会议助手



  1. 智能会议记录:该助手可以自动记录会议过程中的语音内容,并将其转换为可编辑的文字记录,大大减轻了用户的手工记录负担。
  2. 智能会议摘要:飞书妙记可以分析会议记录,自动提取关键信息和要点,生成简洁的会议摘要,帮助用户快速了解会议内容。
  3. 智能任务跟踪:该助手可以识别会议中提到的任务和行动项,并自动将其添加到用户的任务管理系统中,确保任务的及时跟进。
  4. 智能会议搜索:飞书妙记提供了强大的会议记录搜索功能,用户可以根据关键词、时间等条件快速查找所需的会议内容。
  5. 智能协作共享:该助手支持会议记录的在线共享和协作编辑,用户可以与团队成员实时交流和讨论会议内容。


Feishu Minutes - AI-Powered Intelligent Meeting Assistant

Feishu Minutes is an AI-powered intelligent meeting assistant developed by Feishu. The assistant utilizes advanced speech recognition and natural language processing algorithms to provide users with a suite of smart meeting recording and analysis functionalities, helping them improve meeting efficiency and productivity.

The core functionalities of Feishu Minutes include:

  1. Intelligent Meeting Recording: The assistant can automatically record the audio content of meetings and convert it into editable text records, significantly reducing the user's manual note-taking burden.
  2. Intelligent Meeting Summarization: Feishu Minutes can analyze the meeting records, automatically extract key information and highlights, and generate concise meeting summaries, helping users quickly understand the meeting content.
  3. Intelligent Task Tracking: The assistant can identify tasks and action items mentioned in the meetings and automatically add them to the user's task management system, ensuring timely follow-up on the tasks.
  4. Intelligent Meeting Search: Feishu Minutes provides powerful meeting record search capabilities, allowing users to quickly find the desired meeting content based on keywords, time, and other criteria.
  5. Intelligent Collaboration and Sharing: The assistant supports online sharing and collaborative editing of meeting records, enabling users to exchange and discuss the meeting content with their team members in real-time.

Overall, Feishu Minutes is a powerful AI-powered intelligent meeting assistant that provides users with comprehensive meeting recording and analysis support. The assistant's smart functionalities can significantly enhance user meeting efficiency and productivity.

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