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  • 全场景适应性:MindSpore支持云端、边缘端和端侧设备,能够在各种计算环境中灵活运行,满足不同场景下的需求。
  • 自动并行计算:框架内置的自动并行计算能力,可以充分利用分布式计算资源,提升模型训练和推理的效率。
  • 动态图与静态图结合:MindSpore结合了动态图的易用性和静态图的高效性,提供了更加灵活的模型构建方式。
  • 丰富的模型库:MindSpore提供了丰富的预训练模型和API接口,帮助开发者快速实现和部署AI模型。





Ascend MindSpore is an AI computing framework introduced by Huawei, designed to provide developers with an efficient, flexible, and easy-to-use tool to support artificial intelligence applications of various scales. MindSpore's design focuses on ease of use and performance, making it an important force in advancing AI technology.

Core Features:

  • Omni-scenario Adaptability: MindSpore supports cloud, edge, and end-side devices, offering flexible operation in various computing environments to meet the needs of different scenarios.
  • Automatic Parallel Computing: The built-in automatic parallel computing capabilities enable the framework to fully utilize distributed computing resources, enhancing the efficiency of model training and inference.
  • Combination of Dynamic and Static Graph: MindSpore combines the ease of use of dynamic graphs with the efficiency of static graphs, offering a more flexible model construction method.
  • Rich Model Library: MindSpore provides a rich library of pre-trained models and API interfaces, helping developers quickly implement and deploy AI models.

Application Scenarios:

Ascend MindSpore is suitable for a variety of industries, including but not limited to autonomous driving, intelligent surveillance, financial analysis, and healthcare. It offers AI developers a powerful tool to realize innovative AI solutions.


With its omni-scenario adaptability, automatic parallel computing, and the richness of its model library, Ascend MindSpore provides AI developers with an efficient and easy-to-use development environment. Its launch will further promote the development and application of AI technology, contributing to the arrival of an intelligent world.

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