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  • 个性化推荐:Notta能够根据用户的个人风格和喜好,提供定制化的时尚单品推荐。
  • 图像识别技术:用户可以通过上传图片,让Notta识别并推荐相似风格的服饰。
  • 流行趋势分析:应用会根据最新的时尚趋势,为用户推荐热门的时尚单品。
  • 便捷的购物体验:Notta集成了多个时尚电商平台,用户可以直接在应用内完成购买。





Notta is an artificial intelligence application focused on the fashion industry, aiming to provide users with personalized fashion recommendations and shopping experiences through advanced image recognition and machine learning technologies. Users can obtain recommendations for fashion items that match their personal style by uploading images or descriptions, simplifying the shopping process and discovering new fashion inspirations.

Core Features:

  • Personalized Recommendations: Notta offers customized fashion item recommendations based on users' personal styles and preferences.
  • Image Recognition Technology: Users can upload images for Notta to recognize and recommend similar style fashion items.
  • Trend Analysis: The application recommends popular fashion items based on the latest fashion trends.
  • Convenient Shopping Experience: Notta integrates with multiple fashion e-commerce platforms, allowing users to complete purchases directly within the app.

Application Scenarios:

Notta is suitable for fashion enthusiasts who pursue personalized styles, fashion bloggers, and individuals needing quick fashion inspiration. Whether for daily wear or special occasions, Notta can provide assistance.


With its unique personalized recommendations and image recognition technology, Notta offers a new shopping assistant for fashion lovers. It not only simplifies the process of finding and purchasing fashion items but also brings a richer and more personalized fashion experience to users.

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