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Rossum - 基于人工智能的智能文档处理平台



  1. 智能文档提取:该平台可以自动从各种格式的文档中提取关键信息,如发票、合同等,并将其转换为结构化数据,大大减轻了用户的手工录入负担。
  2. 智能文档分类:Rossum可以根据文档的内容和结构,自动对文档进行分类和归档,帮助用户更好地管理和查找文档。
  3. 智能数据验证:该平台拥有强大的数据验证功能,可以自动检测和修正文档中的错误和异常,确保数据的准确性。
  4. 智能工作流集成:Rossum支持与各种业务系统的集成,用户可以将文档处理流程无缝嵌入到现有的工作流中。
  5. 智能协作共享:该平台支持文档的在线共享和协作编辑,用户可以与团队成员实时交流和讨论文档内容。


Rossum - AI-Powered Intelligent Document Processing Platform

Rossum is an AI-powered intelligent document processing platform developed by Rossum. The platform utilizes advanced computer vision and machine learning algorithms to provide users with a suite of smart document processing functionalities, helping them improve work efficiency and productivity.

The core functionalities of Rossum include:

  1. Intelligent Document Extraction: The platform can automatically extract key information, such as invoices and contracts, from various document formats and convert them into structured data, significantly reducing the user's manual data entry burden.
  2. Intelligent Document Classification: Rossum can automatically classify and archive documents based on their content and structure, helping users better manage and find their documents.
  3. Intelligent Data Validation: The platform has powerful data validation capabilities, automatically detecting and correcting errors and anomalies in documents, ensuring data accuracy.
  4. Intelligent Workflow Integration: Rossum supports integration with various business systems, allowing users to seamlessly embed document processing workflows into their existing workflows.
  5. Intelligent Collaboration and Sharing: The platform supports online sharing and collaborative editing of documents, enabling users to exchange and discuss document content with their team members in real-time.

Overall, Rossum is a powerful AI-powered intelligent document processing platform that provides users with comprehensive document processing support. The platform's smart functionalities can significantly enhance user work efficiency and productivity.

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