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  • 智能音乐创作:Riffusion能够根据用户的风格偏好和情感输入,自动生成符合创作意图的音乐片段。
  • 风格多样性:支持广泛的音乐风格,从古典到现代,从流行到爵士,满足不同用户的创作需求。
  • 交互式编辑功能:用户可以与AI互动,实时调整和完善生成的音乐作品。
  • 音乐学习辅助:Riffusion提供音乐理论教学和创作技巧指导,帮助用户提升音乐素养。





Riffusion is an artificial intelligence-powered music composition tool designed to assist music enthusiasts and professionals in creating innovative musical works. By leveraging deep learning algorithms, Riffusion can analyze various musical styles and generate musical elements such as melodies, harmonies, and rhythms based on users' creative intentions.

Core Features:

  • Intelligent Music Composition: Riffusion can automatically generate music segments that align with users' stylistic preferences and emotional inputs.
  • Style Diversity: Supports a broad range of musical styles, from classical to modern, pop to jazz, meeting the creative needs of different users.
  • Interactive Editing Features: Users can interact with AI to adjust and refine the generated musical works in real-time.
  • Music Learning Assistance: Riffusion offers music theory teaching and composition technique guidance, helping users improve their musical literacy.

Application Scenarios:

Riffusion is suitable for music producers, composers, music educators, and music lovers, providing them with a convenient platform for music creation and learning.


With its intelligent music composition and interactive editing capabilities, Riffusion brings new vitality to the field of music creation. It not only simplifies the music creation process but also provides strong support for music education and industry development.

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