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  • 智能音乐创作:网易天音能够分析用户的音乐风格和创作意图,自动生成旋律和伴奏,简化音乐创作流程。
  • 个性化推荐:根据用户的听歌历史和偏好,为用户推荐符合其口味的音乐元素和创作灵感。
  • 音乐教学功能:内置音乐理论教学模块,帮助用户学习和掌握音乐创作的基础知识和技巧。
  • 多平台支持:支持在多种设备和操作系统上使用,让用户可以随时随地进行音乐创作。





NetEase SkyMusic is an artificial intelligence music composition tool developed by NetEase, designed to assist music enthusiasts and professionals in creating innovative musical works. This tool not only provides functions such as melody generation, harmony arrangement, and rhythm design but also creates personalized music based on users' style preferences.

Core Features:

  • Intelligent Music Composition: NetEase SkyMusic can analyze users' musical styles and creative intentions, automatically generating melodies and accompaniments to simplify the music creation process.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Based on users' listening history and preferences, it recommends music elements and creative inspirations that align with their tastes.
  • Music Teaching Features: It includes a music theory teaching module to help users learn and master the basics and skills of music composition.
  • Multi-Platform Support: Supports use on various devices and operating systems, allowing users to create music anytime, anywhere.

Application Scenarios:

NetEase SkyMusic is suitable for music producers, composers, music teachers, and music lovers, providing a convenient environment for music creation and learning.


With its intelligent music composition and personalized recommendation features, NetEase SkyMusic brings new vitality to the field of music creation. It not only lowers the barrier to music creation but also provides strong support for music education.

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