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咻图 是一款专为影楼量身定制的AI修图软件,可以帮助影楼快速高效地完成图片修饰工作。它拥有强大的AI修图功能,可以自动识别五官、人像、场景等,并针对性地进行美化和调整。同时,咻图还提供了丰富的修图模板和素材,方便影楼打造统一的修图风格。


  • AI智能修图: 拥有强大的AI修图功能,可以自动识别五官、人像、场景等,并针对性地进行美化和调整。
  • 批量修图: 支持批量修图,可以快速高效地完成大量图片的修饰工作。
  • 修图模板: 提供丰富的修图模板,方便影楼打造统一的修图风格。
  • 素材库: 提供丰富的素材库,包括背景、贴图、滤镜等,帮助影楼丰富图片效果。


  • 高效便捷: 拥有强大的AI修图功能和批量修图功能,可以帮助影楼快速高效地完成图片修饰工作。
  • 统一风格: 提供丰富的修图模板和素材,方便影楼打造统一的修图风格。
  • 降低成本: 可以有效降低影楼的后期修图成本。
  • 提升效率: 可以显著提升影楼的修图效率。


  • 影楼修图: 可以用于影楼的日常修图工作,包括人像修图、风景修图、场景修图等。
  • 电商修图: 可以用于电商产品的图片修饰,提高产品图片的吸引力。
  • 个人修图: 可以用于个人的图片修饰,制作精美照片。

One-Click Image Editing: XiuTu Photo Studio Editing Tool

XiuTu is an AI image editing software specially designed for photo studios, which can help photo studios quickly and efficiently complete image editing work. It has powerful AI image editing functions, which can automatically recognize facial features, portraits, scenes, etc., and perform beautification and adjustments accordingly. In addition, XiuTu also provides a variety of image editing templates and materials, which are convenient for photo studios to create a unified image editing style.

Core Features:

  • AI Intelligent Image Editing: It has powerful AI image editing functions, which can automatically recognize facial features, portraits, scenes, etc., and perform beautification and adjustments accordingly.
  • Batch Image Editing: Supports batch image editing, which can quickly and efficiently complete the editing work of a large number of images.
  • Image Editing Templates: Provides a variety of image editing templates, which are convenient for photo studios to create a unified image editing style.
  • Material Library: Provides a rich material library, including backgrounds, stickers, filters, etc., to help photo studios enrich the image effect.

Advantages of XiuTu:

High Efficiency and Convenience: It has powerful AI image editing and batch image editing functions, which can help photo studios quickly and efficiently complete image editing work.

Unified Style: Provides a variety of image editing templates and materials, which are convenient for photo studios to create a unified image editing style.

Reduce Costs: It can effectively reduce the post-production editing costs of photo studios.

Improve Efficiency: It can significantly improve the image editing efficiency of photo studios.

Application Scenarios:

  • Photo Studio Editing: It can be used for daily image editing work in photo studios, including portrait editing, landscape editing, scene editing, etc.
  • E-commerce Image Editing: It can be used for image editing of e-commerce products to improve the attractiveness of product images.
  • Personal Image Editing: It can be used for personal image editing to create beautiful photos.
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