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  • 智能写作辅助:讯飞智作能够根据用户的写作主题和风格,提供个性化的写作建议和内容框架。
  • 文本质量分析:应用内置的文本分析工具,可以评估文章的结构、语言风格和逻辑连贯性,帮助用户提升文章质量。
  • 多场景适用:无论是商务沟通、学术研究还是内容创作,讯飞智作都能提供相应的写作支持。
  • 持续学习优化:讯飞智作通过不断学习用户的写作习惯和偏好,不断优化推荐算法,提供更加贴合用户需求的写作服务。





iFLYTEK's Smart Writing Assistant, known as iFlytek Zhizuo is an artificial intelligence-based writing aid developed by iFLYTEK, aimed at enhancing users' writing efficiency and quality through advanced natural language processing technologies. The tool analyzes vast amounts of text data to provide users with writing inspiration, content suggestions, and language optimization services.

Core Features:

  • Intelligent Writing Assistance: iFlytek Zhizuo offers personalized writing suggestions and content frameworks based on users' topics and writing styles.
  • Text Quality Analysis: The built-in text analysis tool can evaluate the structure, language style, and logical coherence of articles, helping users improve the quality of their writing.
  • Multi-Scenario Applicability: Whether it's business communication, academic research, or content creation, iFlytek Zhizuo provides the necessary writing support.
  • Continuous Learning and Optimization: iFlytek Zhizuo continuously learns users' writing habits and preferences, optimizing its recommendation algorithms to provide writing services that better meet users' needs.

Application Scenarios:

The 讯飞智作 is suitable for a wide range of users, including writers, journalists, students, teachers, and corporate copywriters, helping them improve writing efficiency and content quality.


With its intelligent writing assistance and text quality analysis features, 讯飞智作 brings a new writing experience to users. It not only enhances writing efficiency but also provides strong support for content creation.

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